lunes, 6 de mayo de 2019


Hello readers!

In the last two months I have shared several posts on Didactic of Mathematics, focusing on the measurement and other fields like the statistic or the probability. Each post has had its special feature: didactic techniques and materials for the learning of the measurement (cubes, an own intervention proposal, the tangram, ICT tools - Google Maps - …) or the measurement and other sciences in real contexts (stats and sports, the Spanish deck, the acre…).

Resultado de imagen de MEASUREMENT CHILDRENWith all of these posts I have tried to show different ways to teach and learn measurement. Although there are posts which are not explicitly didactic, I have added feasible didactic applications for all the cycles that could be implemented in class in order to provide a utility for learners. In the end, I have pretended to share a wide range of posts to create an entertaining blog, avoiding the monotony.

As I wrote in the introduction, the main goal of the blog was to make readers aware of the influence and the importance of measurement in the student’s process learning and in our life, and how it is represented in some of the areas out of the school. I hope to have obtained it.

Thank you for all!

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